Monday, January 19, 2015

It is difficult to believe that I am in the last two weeks of my degree program at SNHU. I have the day off from work and am spending the day organizing and gearing up for the final sprint to the finish. I am looking forward to finishing, and yet I know there is a part of me that is going to miss my classes very much. I will no longer be tied to such a strict schedule yet I need to have the discipline to continue writing on a daily basis so I can get my novel completed and begin submitting it to agents. 

This week's discussion prompt led to to ponder about my revision process. Not editing, but revision. I pulled one of the books from my reading list for this term, and found a wonderful quote. 

"Submitting a novel without rewriting is like playing ice hockey naked. You’re just not equipped to put your best, um, face on things. And sooner rather than later a well-placed puck is going to hit you where it hurts most” (192).

Bell, James Scott. Revision and Self-Editing: Techniques for transforming your first draft into a
            finished novel. Cincinnatti: Writer’s Digest Books, 2008. Print.

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